Sloppy Google, created by Yuin Chen, an MFA student at Pasadena's Art Center faculty of style, is an effort to demonstrate how Google would behave if there have been actual folks, rather than algorithms, retrieving info. ...more...
worldfortoday - Do you know what Sloppy Google is ?
Do you know what Sloppy Google is ? Sloppy Google is a demonstration that made by an MFA Student at Pasadena Art Center College named Yuin Chen that show what if Google operated by real person not an algorithms in retrieving information. ...more...
worldfortoday - Sloppy GoogleGoogle does lots of exciting things, but nothing very like "Sloppy Google." The project, which can be a mash-up of html5 canvas, javascript, processing.js, jQuery, Google Search API, according to the site's about web page,. ...more...
"Sloppy Google could be worse. Could be sloppy seconds." ~ Zoiks ...
A project called Sloppy Google launched with hopes that people could see what Google would be like if it returned sub par results or just didn't work. The project, created by Yuin Chein, an MFA at Pasadena's Art Center College of Design. ...more...
Sloppy Google |
Google does a great deal of interesting things, but practically nothing very like "Sloppy Google." The project, which is a mash-up of html5 canvas, ...more...
Sloppy Google: The Most Annoying Search Engine | TrendPoster
Sloppy Google: The Most Annoying Search Engine If you are not sure what I am talking about then you are going to get a laugh. Someone came up with an idea to. ...more...
Sloppy Google: The Most Annoying Search Engine
Sloppy Google is intended to show people how Google would run if it was run by humans. I did a few different searches in the search engine to see what would come up. I searched for Joe and it mistook my type and put Jeo and pulled up a. ...more...
defriend day, wes leonard, sloppy google, macco, … - World News ...
defriend day wes leonard sloppy google macco heart attack grill menu diego sanchez face castration fennville mi marisol valles garcia kelly tisdale purple. ...more...
Sloppy Google: What If Google Got Lazy? (VIDEO)
Google does a lot of interesting stuff, but nothing quite like "Sloppy Google." The project, which is a mash-up of html5 canvas, javascript, processing.js, jQuery, Google Search API, according to the site's about page,. ...more...
Sloppy Google Site Makes Searching for Charlie Sheen More ...
When it comes to our Google searches we want results and we want them fast. After all, you never know what Charlie Sheen will do next! But what if Google was 201103. ...more...
Sloppy Google Shows Google is Hardly Sloppy | Strollerderby
Sloppy Google, the project of an art student, demonstrates what the search engine that's now a verb would be like if actual people were behind each search. Yikes! ...more...
Meet with 'Sloppy Google' Is Lazy And Incompetent, Like A Human
A mashup of HTML5 Canvas, processing.js, js, jQuery, and the Google Search API, the Sloppy Google project yawns as it completes erroneous searches, expressing its apathy for its work anthropomorphically. To further hammer it home, its. ...more...
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