Sunday, May 1, 2011


From Twitter 04-30-2011
03:01:27: From Twitter 04-29-2011 08:28:24: Working on the Beltane ritual for tomorrow morning. #ritualreality 08:30:03: RT @JFbookman: Taking a Close Look at Joel Friedlander's "booked blog" via @AddToAny Tweets copied by ...more...
Beltane / Walpurgisnacht
Beltane wird heute als ein Frhlings- und Fruchtbarkeitsfest interpretiert. Es gehört demnach zu den sogenannten Feuerfesten. Es steht fr das Neuerwachen und die Aufbruchstimmung der Erde nach dem Winter, ein Fruchtbarkeitsfest nicht nur im Sinne der Fortpflanzung, sondern auch fr Kreativität, neue I. ...more...


Beli Mawr by August Hunt
In this, the second of our Beltane Blogs, we decided to share this extract from the book THE SECRETS OF AVALON by the author August Hunt. In this, August discussed the god "Beli Mawr" who is one of the gods which might have shared his name with the festival of Beltane. The author links Beli Mawr to . ...more...
The Flow! Week of May 1 – 7, 2011
The Flow is a weekly blog published to better understand the flow of astrological, celestial, and magickal energies for the week, and how best to use them. It is intended for those with little knowledge of astrology. For newcomers, the idea is to consider celestial influences as part of a larger who. ...more...
Vogue Outtake

Just a little Beltane (or Samhain, if you're living Down Under) treat. GALLERY LINK: - Photoshoots: Vogue UK (August 2010) Follow us: ...more...

May Eve/Beltane Blessings
A happy and safe holiday to all who celebrate! For the unawares, here is some information courtesy of About Dot Com. All About Beltane, Celebrating the Fertility of Spring April's showers have given way to rich and fertile earth, and as the land greens, there are few celebrations as representative o. ...more...
Mai - 1. Mai, Bezeichnungen fr den Mai : frher: Bleuet, Blhmond, Blumenmond, Winnemond, Wonnemond, Wonnemonat Lat. Nom.: Maius / Majus Lat. Gen.: Maii / Maji Maij, May Hinweis: Streng genommen endet der lateinische Monatsname auf ‚-ii'. Ein ‚i' am Wortende kann weit nach unten gezogen sein, wodurch . ...more...
С пораздником Первомая! Истории праздника.
Дорогие друзья! Поздравляю Вас с этим прекрасным весенним праздником Первое Мая! Желаю Вам и Вашим близким весеннего настроения,удачи,радости и крепкого здоровья! Пусть исполнятся все Ваши задуманные желания! Здесь я собрала интересный материал о праздновании первого мая.О Белтейн,Вальпурьевая ночь,. ...more...
Walpurgis Night and 200 clicks

THANK YOU FOR over 200 HITS!! Seriously, people, what? I've gotten only 7 comments and I see you guys lurking me through all kinds of sites. I started writing 23rd of April, and yesterday this blog hit 200 watches. Thank you for your interest and here's hoping you enjoy your stay and continue readin. ...more...

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