Thursday, May 26, 2011

elizabeth smart

Elizabeth Smart wins the reward of a good life
Mitchell has been concluded to be suffering from a range of disorders, including pedophilia, anti-social and narcissistic personality disorders, but was neither considered to be psychotic nor delusional. ...more...
Elizabeth Smart looks to 'beautiful' future as her kidnapper is sentenced to life in prison

SALT LAKE CITY — Nine years after being kidnapped, tortured and raped, Elizabeth is ready to start a "beautiful" chapter in her life, helping other child victims who can't speak for themselves or are still missing. "I think one of the biggest ways to overcome any trial in life, to heal from any kind of experience is by helping those around you," Smart said Wednesday, after her kidnapper was. ...more...

Former street preacher gets life in Smart case
Elizabeth Smart finally got her chance Wednesday to confront the street preacher convicted of holding her captive and raping her for months when she was just 14. Now 23, she stood tall in the courtroom — stoic, with an even voice and a strength Brian David Mitchell clearly lacked. ...more...

elizabeth smart

Elizabeth Smart confronts kidnapper before his sentencing to life in prison

Elizabeth Smart gazed unflinchingly at the man who held her captive and raped her daily for nine months in 2002. As he had done in court many times before, Brian David Mitchell quietly sang church hymns Wednesday, with his cuffed hands clasped together and his eyes closed. ...more...

Elizabeth Smart appears in court
SALT LAKE CITY -- Nearly nine years after she was taken at knifepoint, raped and held captive, Elizabeth Smart arrived Wednesday at a federal courthouse for the sentencing of the former street preacher who kidnapped her.The sentencing of Brian David. ...more...
Elizabeth Smart confronts kidnapper
Elizabeth Smart finally got her chance to confront the street preacher convicted of holding her captive and raping her for months when she was just 14. Now 23, she stood tall in the courtroom - stoic, with an even voice and a strength Brian David Mitchell clearly lacked. ...more...
Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper sentenced to life
U.S. District Judge Dale Kimball handed down two life sentences for Brian David Mitchell at the Salt Lake City hearing. A jury earlier unanimously convicted him of kidnapping and unlawful transportation of a minor across state lines for sex. ...more...
Elizabeth Smart in court for kidnapper sentencing

Elizabeth Smart has told her kidnapper that she will have a good life despite what he did to her. ...more...

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