Thursday, May 19, 2011

judgment day may 21

End of world Saturday religious guru says

Tommy Mann/Orange Leader A billboard in Vidor proclaims that the Biblical Judgment Day will occur on May 21. ...more...

JUDGMENT DAY: MAY 21 Precision sets this end of the world apart | Video

Al Allen believed the world would end in 1994. It didn't. He was disappointed. This time, he's more certain that Judgment Day will arrive at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 21. "There is so much more information in the Bible since 1994. This thing is a certainty. It's going to happen," said Allen, 68, a retired chemist. "The whole world is going to be scared out of its wits." ...more...

judgment day may 21

'Poetry, Not Predictions': Religious Leaders Weigh In on Judgment-Day Frenzy
Harold Camping's judgment day prediction has garnered quite a following, but -- believe it or not -- there are competing perspectives on the doomsday drama. Take a look at what some other spiritual scholars say about the May 21st theory ...more...
Will May 21, 2011 be judgment day? Many people believe, do you?

(WHAS11/ABC News) - Billboards around the country are warning that the end of days is near. Groups behind the ads say Saturday May 21 is the day of rapture and the beginning of judgment day.   They claim judgment day lasts five months and the world will end on October 21.   Some believers have even quit their jobs and are travelling around the country to spread the word.   But there are many. ...more...

Group Warns Judgment Day is Saturday, May 21
What are your weekend plans? According to a California church called The Family Radio Network, Saturday, May 21, is the end of the world. Even though the Bible reads "no one knows about the day or nor the time not even the angels in Heaven" (Matthew 24:36). One pastor claims to have judgment day down to a science. ...more...
Rapture Party: Atheists' Response to Harold Camping's Judgment Day Prediction on May 21

A "Rapture Party" is the atheists' response to Family Radio head Harold Camping's Judgment Day prediction on May 21. Various atheists around the world are organizing "Rapture Parties" on May 21, to celebrate the day. ...more...

Judgment Day May 21: When will the world actually end?
Judgment Day May 21: Harold Camping, the head of the Family Radio broadcasting network, has calculated that the apocalypse will begin on May 21. Do his numbers add up for a judgment day this weekend? ...more...

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